Just Another Manic-Depressive Monday
Monday, Jul. 22, 2002 - 9:13 AM

You know those mornings when you wake up and just know you should stay in bed? That was my first thought when the alarm went off at 6:17 this morning. Stay in bed. Don't do it, man. Don't get up. Just stay in bed. And not just because I had 5 hours of sleep. Yesterday wasn't that great. And today didn't look too promising. And my stomach has hurt for like 5 days now and I'm getting a little tired of it.

But alas, another day, another dollar. Another very important dollar. What with spending all my money on Starbucks, I have to make every day good to the last drop when it comes to earning money. Or something like that.

So I'm on my way to work thinking about what a sucky day this is going to be when I whip out my cell. Last night I left an away message insisting that if either Amy or Bethany got online they IM my cell. They hadn't, so I wondered if either of them had written me an "Oh, I didn't want to wake you." e-mail. They both wrote me e-mails. Neither one sounded like they read that away message. But they both e-mailed me. Within minutes of one another.

It's mornings like this when you see what kind of friends your friends really are. And so, this morning's entry is about them. I'm going to list them in the order I met them.

First is Keri. Technically she's my sister. Non-technically, she's still my sister. We've been best friends for about 10 years now. How we became best friends, I'm not sure. But we did. She's one of the sweetest, most thoughtful people I know. You know... when it counts. The rest of the time she's cynical the way I like my friends. :o) Here's something she put in her diary today that I thought really captured the essense of her: "...how come when you buy something anymore they always ask "do you need a bag?" like they're running out of bags, and since you only have this one item, you don't *really* need a bag, do you?.. "um, no, i guess not"..." I love her and would give her my good kidney. Which, at this point in my life is either kidney, but if I keep drinking coffee like I do it won't be.

Next I met Mark. Mark is one of my friends that has a lot of smarts, but not too much common sense. I used to think he had common sense. Then he joined the Navy. He put together my network. We met when we were part of an online organization (I use that term loosly) and I offered to help him with its webpage. When I think about this, I imagine me typing that to him and him laughing uncontrollably. Over the years we've undertaken several projects together. He writes the code, I make the GUI. It works. He's passionate and isn't afraid to work. Also, he introduced me to guarana when we were in Brazil (his native country). Guarana - because if you don't drink it, you're probably American. (I wonder if I could write slogans for a living.) PS - Remember how I said he was in the Navy? I'm sure he'd enjoy your e-mail. Click his name above for his address.

Mark introduced me to Bethany. Bethany attempts to bother me. I laugh. Bethany is bothered by me. We don't talk for several months. One of us (I don't remember who, but if you do, Bethany, please tell me.) IMs the other. We're cynical and satirical and make each other laugh. Mostly I make myself laugh in her presence, but we make each other laugh. :o) She's easy to talk to (maybe a little too easy), is considerate, loving, and takes amazing pictures of sunsets which of the like I haven't seen since I worked in Albuquerque for two months. If I ever needed anything -- anything -- I know I could count on Bethany.

Via either Mark or Bethany (I think it was Bethany) I met Amy. Wow. What a long story it'd be if I told you all about our long relationship. It's been an incredibly long three... four... five... however many years (how long we've known each other varies from memory to memory) of a love/hate relationship. Remember how I annoyed Bethany? Mulitply that by Rush Limbaugh's weight. That's how much I annoyed Amy. And man can she be mean. And man can I (think about how that looks in html -- it was kinda fun to write) be mean. And we were "grr!" and "Arrrgh!" and "uuuhhh..." and "Haaaarrrr". And now, after (pick one: 3/4/5) years, we're great friends. But even when we were grr and arrrgh, I could always count on her. She would stay up during all hours of the morning to keep me company while I was in India (without Jamie :o)) and homesick. She would wake up early to talk to me while I was at work or send me long e-mails to read on my cell on the way to work. Man, do I miss those e-mails. She's the other one that lacks common sense. She joined the Army. What a corn nut.

Okay, those are the people I talk to most often. I find it interesting that the people I talk to most often are from Ohio, Illinois, Texas, and Oklahoma.

I'm going to try to write something lighter later. I've been heavy for too long.

PS - Katie didn't say hi back.

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