Overactive Dreamagination
Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 - 1:56 PM

Last night I had a dream that I was falsely accused of raping a girlfriend that I had when I was 11. I haven't seen this girl since I was 12 and have no idea how she made it into my dream.

The majority of the dream was between being arrested and going to trial. I was scared that I was going to go to jail even though I knew I didn't commit the crime.

The weird part was that while this was going on I gave the girl a hug and told her that I still loved her like a sister. She cried. That made me cry.

They finally caught the guy who really did it. He was a black guy that made himself look like me. The giveaway ended up being that he couldn't make his lips pink enough.

Why I had a dream about a girl I dated 11 years ago, I don't know. Why someone would rape someone 11 years after breaking up with them, I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm watching too many movies or whether I just need to get less sleep.

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